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Why’s Polyurea Costing a Pretty Penny?

Updated: Jul 23

If you’ve been nosing around looking for something to protect your stuff, something that can take a real licking, you’ve probably come across this stuff. It’s the big shot in the world of industrial coatings, famous for being tough as nails, flexible, and quick to dry. But let’s be real, this stuff ain’t easy on the wallet. So why does it cost you your hard-earned cash? Let’s get into it.



Raw Material Costs

High cost of key ingredients like isocyanates and amine resins

Specialized Equipment

Requires expensive plural-component spray equipment

Labor and Expertise

Needs skilled labor and extensive training to apply correctly

Durability and Performance

Offers superior durability, flexibility, and chemical resistance

Rapid Curing Time

Cures within minutes, reducing downtime but increasing application costs


Suitable for a wide range of applications, adding to its value

What is Polyurea Anyway?

Before we start talking greenbacks, let’s get the lowdown on this stuff we’re chatting about. It’s a special kind of elastomer that’s made through a process called step-growth polymerization. This involves mixing an isocyanate with a synthetic resin blend. In layman’s terms, it’s a high-end type of plastic that’s super durable and can be slapped onto just about any surface to shield it from harm.

This material has a heap of applications, from making roofs watertight to lining tanks, giving truck beds a protective coating, and even jazzing up spaces with decorative touches. It’s become a hot commodity because of its top-notch qualities: it’s sturdy, bendable, holds up against chemicals and wear and tear, and it sets (dries up) in a blink of an eye. But these perks don’t come cheap.




An elastomer created by combining an isocyanate compound with a synthetic resin


Flexible, durable, and returns to its original shape under stress

Environmental Impact

Inert and environmentally friendly once cured


Used for protective coatings, linings, and joint sealants


Fast curing, high elongation, and excellent abrasion resistance


Suitable for various substrates like concrete, steel, and EPS

Raw Material Costs

One of the main reasons this stuff costs a pretty penny is because of the price tag on its raw materials. The key ingredients—isosyanates and amine resins—don’t come cheap. These materials are specially mixed to give this material its unique characteristics. Unlike other coatings that might use cheaper, more common stuff, the ingredients in this material need to be top-notch and mixed just right to make sure the final product does its job.

On top of that, these raw materials often have to be brought in from other places, and the prices can swing based on what’s happening in the market, issues with the supply chain, and world events. All these things pile up and end up hitting the consumer’s wallet with higher prices.

Manufacturing and Application Process

Producing polyurea isn't as simple as mixing a few ingredients in a pot. The manufacturing process requires specialized equipment and strict control over the conditions to ensure the right chemical reactions take place. This complexity in production means that only a few manufacturers can produce polyurea at the quality needed for high-performance applications, which drives up the cost.

Now, the way you gotta put this stuff on ain’t no walk in the park either, and that adds to the cost. You need some fancy gear like machines that can spray under high pressure and controls that can get the temperature just right. This ain’t something you can just throw on with a paintbrush or a roller. The gear itself will cost you a pretty penny, and you gotta have folks who know what they’re doing to handle it. That means you’re gonna be paying more for labor 'cause you need workers who got the know-how to work the gear and get the coating on just right.

Superior Performance and Longevity

You know how they say, “you get what you shell out for”? Well, that’s spot on with this stuff. It’s pretty much invincible compared to other coatings. It can stand up to crazy hot and cold, harsh chemicals, rough handling, and even a good knock. It stays flexible and sticks like glue in all sorts of conditions, which means it hangs around longer and does a better job than other stuff.

Well, here’s the thing. This top-notch stuff we’re talking about, it can save you a pretty penny in the long haul. Take a roof coated with it, for instance. It ain’t gonna need fixin’ or a new coat as often as one with the old-fashioned stuff. Sure, it might cost you more at the get-go, but down the line, you’re gonna be spending less on upkeep. So, while the first price tag might give you a start, the money you save in the long run makes it worth every dime.

Market Demand and Limited Suppliers

Another factor driving up the cost of polyurea is simple supply and demand. There's a high demand for this versatile and durable material, but there are relatively few suppliers who can produce it to the required standard. This limited competition allows suppliers to maintain higher prices.

Well, you see, more and more folks in businesses like building stuff, making cars, and factory work are catching on to how good this special material is. As more people want it, the demand is shooting up. But there ain’t enough to go around, which means those selling it can keep their prices high. It’s a real good time to be in the selling business.

Customization and Specialized Applications

Polyurea isn't a one-size-fits-all product. It can be customized to suit specific needs and applications, which adds to the cost. If you need a particular formulation to withstand a unique set of conditions, it often requires additional research and development, specialized production runs, and possibly even bespoke equipment.

This customization is fantastic because it means you get exactly what you need for your specific application, but it also means you're paying for that tailored service. Whether it's tweaking the formula to enhance certain properties or adjusting the application process for unique surfaces, these bespoke solutions come at a premium.

Environmental and Safety Regulations

Making and applying this stuff also means sticking to some pretty tight rules about the environment and safety. These rules are there for a good reason, making sure that the chemicals used don’t hurt Mother Nature or the folks working with them. But, following these rules means shelling out for safety gear, training for workers, and sometimes pricier, eco-friendly materials.

These costs are a must to make sure the product is safe for both people and our planet, but they do add to the overall price tag. Companies that try to skimp on safety or environmental standards might offer cheaper stuff, but they’re taking big risks that just ain’t worth it.


So, why does this stuff cost an arm and a leg? It’s a mix of things: the steep price of raw materials, the intricate process of making and applying it, its top-tier performance and lifespan, the demand in the market, a small number of suppliers, the need for customization, and having to stick to strict rules and regulations. All these pieces come together to make a product that, while it might make your wallet lighter, gives unmatched benefits in terms of how long it lasts, its adaptability, and the savings you get in the long run.

When you step back and look at the whole picture, the cost of this material starts to make sense. It ain’t just about the sticker price but about the value it gives over its lifetime. For folks who need a high-quality coating that can take a beating from the toughest conditions, this stuff is often worth every cent.


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